Hey there, I’m Sydney! 

We help wellness coaches fill their conversion events and sales call calendars with a consistent stream of qualified leads so they can increase their impact and income.

You’re too busy serving your clients and being the CEO to be in your social media communities all day.

You have a lead generation machine bringing new leads into your world every day. You’re putting out consistent, magnetizing content that draws those people in. You’re hosting conversion events to bring your hottest leads into your sales process.  

But you know there is so much untapped potential in the community you have grown and don’t have the time to go deep 1:1 with your audience anymore. So the necessary sales conversations and follow up required to bring all those leads through your sales process falls through the cracks. SO. much. money. left. on. the. table. 

And let’s be honest, this isn’t your expertise anyway. 
Your brain is best spent being the company visionary and serving your clients.
You SHOULDN’T be the one in the weeds connecting with your online community.

You need a strategic partner to join your sales team, streamline your potential client journey, and drive your leads to your sales process every day. 

Here’s how this looks..

⚡️ Your new community members immediately activated, engaged, and in conversation where we discover their unique needs and begin the nurture and qualification process.

⚡️ Your hottest, most qualified leads are being invited into your sales process. 

⚡️ More qualified, nurtured community members, more leads attending your conversion events, more sales calls, more sales! 

And you aren’t the one doing it.

We hear you.
We’ve got you covered.


Industry Experts

We have had our hands in HUNDREDS of thriving coaching businesses. We know what works, we know what’s outdated and needs to GO, and we can spot a sales bottleneck from miles away. You won’t stump us. We’ve got you.

Strategic Advisory


Together, we’ll take our wealth of industry knowledge to solidify your monthly marketing plan, review sales data, and pull out our playbook full of remedies when areas for improvement arise in the sales process. We’re not just checking tasks off a to-do list. We’re a strategic partner on your sales team. 

Higher Profit

Here’s what we know about sales.. (VALUE + OFFERS) x CONSISTENCY = MONEY.. and we play a role in every part of this sales equation.